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Elbow / Arm / Hand Treatments and Rehab

Golfer's Elbow - Medial Epicondylitis

Golfer's Elbow - Medial Epicondylitis

Golfer's Elbow - Medial Epicondylitis Treatment Solutions

Purchase the treatment program now and we will add an additional 9 exercises!

Golfer's elbow presents with pain at the inside of your elbow.  It is an overuse injury that develops from activities that require the inner muscles of your forearm to repetitively contract and lengthen under force.  This action causes micro-tearing of the muscle and tendons related to that area.  If this activity is sustained without proper recovery then you will end up with pain in the inside of your elbow.  This condition can be characterized with terms such as strain, tendonitis, tendonosis, tenosynovitis and more.   If your injury falls in this category then this is the injury recovery program for you.  This program can also be used as a prevention program if you find that you experience this condition on occasion.  Consult a physician prior to starting this program.  When you purchase this program you will receive 9 more activities with full descriptions and videos in addition to what you see below.    

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for $19.99

Foam Rolling

ExerciseDescriptionSets & RepsVideo 
Lats FR

This activity helps to inactivate an overactive, tight, or sore Lat muscle (The outer edge of your armpit/back).

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1 for 30 second holdMy FavoritesMy Treatment Plan
Thoracic Extension

This activity helps to correct postural deviations of the thoracic spine (your upper-mid back). It may help correct injuries in the upper back, neck, and upper extremity regions.

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1 for 10 second hold per spotMy FavoritesMy Treatment Plan


ExerciseDescriptionSets & RepsVideo 


ExerciseDescriptionSets & RepsVideo 


ExerciseDescriptionSets & RepsVideo 

Purchase now to view the additional
stretching & strengthening videos!

Purchase the treatment program now
and we will add an additional 9 exercises!

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for $19.99